
movie night tonight. I'll play A Universe From Nothing by Lawrence Krauss from the Atheist Alliance International. a remarkable lecture on the current scientific knowledge on the origins of the universe, and how it's very likely that everything came from nothing.

the house is somewhat empty these days so we're moving at a fast pace to redesign and fix our facilities and Mike has been cleaning all the forgotten clothes. I have no idea where we're gonna fit the 50+ towels left behind!

godspeed starstuff ☆★☆☆★★★☆☆☆☆☆

1 comment:

  1. I can help you with the towels. and barter a few for a lamp, if thats OK


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/// 2455034.42943 description started
hatch(8).operational() /////////////
reporting of us ////////////////////
stardust twin clusters ////////////
of baffling unlikelyhood /////////
must sync //////////////////////
here is my uplink ///////////
call it brotherhood ////////////
random runners ///////////////////
all, many, one, us ////////////////
unlikely and exceptional ///////////
description ended //////////////////