
very often in discussions we refer to the "monogamy gene". it has been isolated not only in rats, but in human males.

Hasse Walum at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, and colleagues looked at the various forms of the gene coding for a vasopressin receptor in 552 Swedish people, who were all in heterosexual partnerships. The researchers also investigated the quality of their relationships.

They found that variation in a section of the gene called RS3 334 was linked to how men bond with their partners. Men can have none, one or two copies of the RS3 334 section, and the higher the number of copies, the worse men scored on a measure of pair bonding.

Monogamy gene found in people

it is old news, but just making sure we get our [[citation needed]] for all those things thrown out there.

godspeed starstuff ☆★☆☆★★★☆☆☆☆☆


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/// 2455034.42943 description started
hatch(8).operational() /////////////
reporting of us ////////////////////
stardust twin clusters ////////////
of baffling unlikelyhood /////////
must sync //////////////////////
here is my uplink ///////////
call it brotherhood ////////////
random runners ///////////////////
all, many, one, us ////////////////
unlikely and exceptional ///////////
description ended //////////////////